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Center for Law, Science and Innovation

Advancing science and technology law and policy for over 30 years

As science and technology assume central roles in our lives, economy, and legal system, the Center for Law, Science and Innovation is uniquely positioned as an innovator in teaching and applying science, technology and law. From robotics to genetics, neuroscience to nanotech, LSI’s innovative projects and programs constantly evolve to address challenging governance and policy issues through cutting-edge curriculum, practical experience, conferences and workshops, research projects, and scholarship.

Student opportunities

The Center for Law, Science and Innovation serves as a resource to support and connect our students with unique content, contacts, skills, and resources to prepare them for modern legal practice. ASU Law offers more than 50 law, science, and technology related courses, supported and taught by our 50+ faculty fellows. Programs and projects include annual conferences, workshops and speakers, individual and group research activities, and sci-tech externships and clinical work.

Certificate in Law, Science and Technology

JD students can supplement and enhance their degree with the Law, Science and Technology (LST) Certificate. The certificate program includes focused coursework, mentorship, and extracurricular educational opportunities for preparing 21st century lawyers. Please note that this certificate is available only to JD students currently enrolled at ASU Law.

In addition to earning the general LST Certificate, students may choose one or more of the following focus areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Data, Privacy and Security
  • Intellectual Property
  • Life Sciences

For more information on the Law, Science and Technology Certificate, click below.

Learn more and apply


Center for Law, Science and Innovation projects

The Center for Law, Science and Innovation is an established leader in addressing the extraordinary legal and regulatory questions triggered by rapid developments in science and technology. ASU Law was the first in the country to create a center focused on the topics that now make headlines every day.

LSI’s mission is to use law to enable innovation for the betterment of society. By facilitating interdisciplinary efforts among students, faculty, professionals, policy-makers, and industries, the center tackles the shared challenges and themes of emerging technology governance, such as:

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Law
  • Bioethics
  • International Coordination
  • Privacy and Security
  • Pacing Law with Science
  • Big Data, Analytics, and the Internet of Things
  • Human Enhancement
  • Soft Law / Standards
  • Technology and Access to Justice
  • Human Relationships and Technology
  • Technological Unemployment
  • Precautionary Principle
  • Sustainable Technology Development
  • Regulation and Reimbursement

Featured projects

The Law, Science and Innovation network

LSI was built on, and continues to engage, a robust network of academics, policy-makers, professionals, and industry. Students and alumni fellows play a critical role in LSI projects, and have opportunities to learn from and work with interdisciplinary experts in their area of interest.



Gary Marchant

Gary Marchant Regent's Professor and Faculty Director, Center for Law, Science and Innovation

Trever Formosa

Trever Formosa Program Coordinator, Center for Law, Science and Innovation

Ways to get involved - join the LSI Community Board

Law, Science and Innovation invites anyone interested in getting more involved, developing collaborations and partnerships, or simply learning more about the legal applications of emerging technologies, to join the LSI Community Board. The Board meets once per semester to educate members about current projects and topics of interest, and to serve as a catalyst for new ideas and community connections. To join, or for more information, e-mail Gary Marchant at

Connect with LSI

Michael Arkfeld
Arnie Calica
Dan Christensen
Larry Cohen
Kirk T. Hartley
James (Jim) Hennessy
Gerard (Jerry) Lewis
Dawn Marchant

Robert (Bob) J. Milligan
Roger N. Morris
Dr. George Poste
K Royal
John Shufeldt
Judge Roslyn O. Silver
Cory Tyszka


To help bridge the gap between rapidly advancing technologies and the laws, regulations, and policies that govern them, the center engages a robust network of academics, policy-makers, professionals, and industry leaders through our volunteer Research Fellows Program. Center Research Fellows contribute in a variety of ways to the work of the Center. A few examples include collaborating on substantive research, helping to organize Center events, and helping our students with networking and professional opportunities. Each Research Fellow’s contribution is valuable and unique, based on individual interests and resources, and each serves for a renewable term of two years. Below is our current roster of Research Fellows.

Raj Abhyanker
Arellano Alexis
Sarah Arnold
Casey Ball
Jamie Balson
Kalyn Behnke
Elizabeth Bertram
Samuel Blake
Benjamin Bryce
Jordan Buckwald
Lauren Burkhart
Michelle Burlin
Jennifer Chapman
Eric Chen
Danielle Chronister
Robert Clarke
Casey Clowes
Victoria Cook
Rachel Coor
Robert Copple
Alicia Corbett
Josh Covey
Michael Croweak
Rebecca DeWitt
Michael Donovan
Alek Emery
Alexandra Izuel Evans
Lauren Ferrigni
Diva Galan

Lundyn Garrett
Scott Gibson
Kia Grass
Chelsea Gulinson
Derek Hamilton
Katherine Hanna
Corey Harbison
Ashley Hardy
Tessa Hustead
Ross Kader
Amena Kheshtchin-Kamel
Lyn Gaudet Kiehl
Daniel Kolomitz
Peter Krehbiel
Vanessa Lancaster
Amanda Lewis
Daniel Libbey
Gabriel Abad Lim
Rachel Lindor
Kellie Manders
Ian McLane
Robert Makar
Anthony Marenna
Anthony Marino
Nathaniel May
Mason McCarty
David Medina
Courtney Moran
May Mowzoon

Jennifer Murphey
Neil Malamuth
Robin Nagele
Nisha Noroian
Justin Powley
Joshua Rayes
Rebecca Reiben
Brian Richardson
K Royal
Susan Russo
Heather Sapp
Daniel Schwiebert
Kristyne Shaaf-Olson
Angelica Simpson
Bridget Smith
Shauna Stein
Lauren Stewart
Tammy Thibodeau
Andrew Thiery
Lucille Tournas
Hannah Vice
Johnathon Webb
John Webster
Sarah Wetter
Kim Weidenaar
Racheal White Hawk
Gregory Wilmoth
Alan Witt
Karen Wohlgemuth


2024-25 Scholar Students 


Maitri Bhakta
Jesse Cresap
Vrinda Gupta
Jasmine Held-Hernandez
Bennet Houck
Melissa Kim
Max Mashal
Brooke Norton
Sheridan Phelan
Kylie Snow
Elisaveta Vesselinova
Megan Wagner


Chase Duncan
Eunmi Kang
Nicholas Lalani
Chase Martins
Tanner Murray
Daniel Park
Ian Shaw
Kylie Cochrane


Samuel Atlas
Nicolas Bonfiglio
Taylor Brown
Odessa Clugston
Marie Fredenberg
Jason Huang
Ali Karamali
Brooke Thueson(Layton)
Matthew Lin
Abdi Lopez Martinez
Thalia Luna
Daniel McNeela
Bianca Moazez
Alexis Nash
Simon Tecle
Rayne Wolf


Ken Abbott
Ira Ellman
Myles Lynk
Jonathan Rose
Ann Stanton
Larry Winer

Strouse Prize for outstanding law students

Each year an outstanding graduate is awarded the Strouse Prize for their exceptional academic strength, personal qualities, and contributions to the Center for Law, Science and Innovation. The Prize was created in memory of Professor Daniel Strouse, whose wisdom, wit, and warmth enhanced the education of hundreds of students. Meet some of our remarkably talented winners.