Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law - Beus Center for Law and Society Snell & Wilmer Plaza

Bar Information

What is the bar exam?

To practice law in a given state, a law school graduate must apply for bar admission to the state's board of bar examiners. In many states, this board is an agency of the state's highest court, but occasionally the board is connected more closely to the state's bar association. The criteria for eligibility to take the bar examination or to qualify for bar admission are set by each state. Visit the NCBE Jurisdictions page for a link to your jurisdiction's website, as well as more information on your jurisdiction's eligibility requirements and bar exam.

The Uniform Bar Exam (“UBE”) is offered in 41 different states/jurisdictions, including Arizona. The UBE is a two-day exam composed of the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE), six Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) essay questions, and two Multistate Performance Test (MPT) tasks. The UBE is uniformly administered, graded, and scored, which results in a portable score that can be transferred to other UBE jurisdictions.

Beginning in July 2026, a new form of bar exam, the NextGen Bar Exam, will begin to replace the UBE. Arizona will administer the NextGen Bar Exam beginning in July 2027. The NextGen Bar Exam will test a slightly smaller set of subjects than the UBE; however, it also will test an expanded set of foundational skills. These skills include legal research and writing, issue spotting and analysis, investigation and evaluation, client counseling and advising, negotiation and dispute resolution, and client relationship and management. The NextGen Bar Exam will be a day and a half exam, with each 3-hour exam block composed of multiple-choice questions, integrated question sets, and performance tasks.

In addition to applying and taking a state bar exam, a law school graduate must also complete a Character and Fitness application, which varies by each jurisdiction.

Helpful resources

The sites listed below will provide information about admissions and examinations, as well as requirements and deadlines. Note that some states require specific courses and/or exams such as the MPRE before sitting for the bar exam, thus we strongly recommend that you ascertain the requirements for each state you are considering well in advance of your third year of law school.

For bar questions, including where and when to take the bar exam, please contact Prof. Antonia Miceli, Director of Bar Exam Success, at

3L Bar Program

The 3L Bar Program allows students to take the Arizona bar exam in the last semester of their 3L year (i.e., before graduation).

Please read this Summary and complete the Application. Contact Josh Abbott, Director of Student Advising, for instructions on submitting completed forms.


Important links