Prosecution Clinic
Certified Limited Practice Students in the Prosecution Clinic prosecute both misdemeanor and felony cases in County and City courts within Maricopa County. Students are responsible for a full range of trial-related tasks. Initially students are assigned minor trials and as the semester progresses are assigned more difficult cases.
It is the goal of this clinic for each student to receive the maximum amount of in-court trial experience. By the end of the semester each student should have the opportunity to participate in at least one jury trial. Criminal cases are assigned to students and the student has the responsibility to prepare the case for trial and try the case if necessary. Students are placed in various offices, and work under the supervision of experienced prosecutors.
This clinic has a classroom component consisting of 30 hours of instruction and a courtroom component requiring 270 hours working with a prosecutor’s office. The classroom component addresses issues that students are encountering in court. In class students are also taught trial skills such as opening statements, direct examination, cross examination and closing arguments that they will use in court.
This clinic is a graded course (6 credits). Evidence is a mandatory prerequisite for the clinic. Students cannot take the Trial Advocacy Class the same semester as this clinic. Students are required to spend 20 hours a week working in their assigned court and one night (Wednesday ) in class. Students are required to spend 300 hours or 30 hours a week for 10 weeks at their agency assignment during the summer session. There are a limited number of spaces for the clinic and enrollment is by application. Agency assignments are made on a first-come first-served basis.