Changing how we think and practice antitrust law
The mission of ASU Law’s Antitrust program is to build and operate an organization that studies antitrust developments; organizes events to further discussion and debate in the field; motivates and trains law students to become antitrust lawyers; facilitates engagement with leading practitioners, enforcers and policymakers; and leads to thoughtful, common-sense antitrust enforcement that promotes competition and improves the world.
Engaging students and the community to think critically
There is growing interest by legislators and the public in antitrust, driven both by the perception that tech companies have become too dominant and that industries generally have become too concentrated and powerful.
Established in February 2022 and led by David Gelfand, one of the country’s leading antitrust lawyers, ASU Law professor of practice and the Sims Chair in Competition Law and Regulation, the Antitrust Law program will increase thoughtful debate and create opportunities for the antitrust bar to learn about and debate legislative and regulatory proposals.
The professional experience, knowledge and passion for antitrust Gelfand brings to ASU Law will provide students educational opportunities in an area that is in high demand from potential government and private employers.