Staff Directory
Academic Planning, Assessment, and Reporting

- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Distinguished Endowed Professorship in Legal Method
- Tamara.Herrera@asu.edu
- 480-727-7194
- Downtown Phoenix
Tamara Herrera teaches various legal writing courses, Indian Legal Research, and Property. Her scholarly interests include legislative drafting, tribal law, and legal writing pedagogy.

- Sr. Director, Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness
- lydia.montelongo@asu.edu
- 480-727-7667
- Downtown Phoenix
Academy for Justice (A4J)

- Program Coordinator, Academy for Justice
- Zachary.J.Cooper@asu.edu
- 602-496-0272
- Downtown Phoenix

- Manager, Communications, Academy for Justice
- Jennifer.Leigh.Willis@asu.edu
- 602-496-1287
- Downtown Phoenix

- Research Professor, Director of the Academy for Justice
- tskolnik@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix
Terry Skolnik is a research professor at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University (ASU), and is the executive director of ASU's Academy for Justice.
Alumni Office

Assistant Dean, Alumni|Instructional Professional
- Assistant Dean, Alumni
- Instructional Professional
- Lauren.Burkhart@asu.edu
- 602-496-0490
- Downtown Phoenix
Lauren Burkhart is the Assistant Dean for Alumni at ASU Law. Before launching the College's new Alumni Office, she served as Assistant Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid and as Executive Director of Centers & Programs.
American Indian Policy Institute

Research Analyst, American Indian Policy Institute
- Research Analyst, American Indian Policy Institute
- Brooke.Curleyhair@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Associate Director|Associate Director, American Indian Policy Institute
- Associate Director
- Associate Director, American Indian Policy Institute
- joann.difilippo@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Director|Executive Director, American Indian Policy Institute|Center Director & Associate Administrative Professional|Senior Global Futures Scholar|Dir (FSC) + Asc Admin Profsnl|Director, American Indian Policy Institute
- Director
- Executive Director, American Indian Policy Institute
- Center Director & Associate Administrative Professional
- Senior Global Futures Scholar
- Dir (FSC) + Asc Admin Profsnl
- Director, American Indian Policy Institute
- T.Morris@asu.edu
- 480-965-9005
- Downtown Phoenix
Morris is a member of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma. Her research focuses on Tribal Digital Sovereignty.

ILA Program Manager|Program Manager, American Indian Policy Institute
- ILA Program Manager
- Program Manager, American Indian Policy Institute
- krtalber@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Legal Center

- Director, College of Law, AZ Legal Center
- Downtown Phoenix

- Program Coordinator, AZ Legal Center
- Beverly.Kosik@asu.edu
- 602-496-2862
- Downtown Phoenix
Assistant to the Director
Business Office and Human Resources

Department HR Specialist
- Department HR Specialist
- Jerome.Cooks@asu.edu
- 480-727-0469
- Downtown Phoenix

Chief Financial Officer + Assistant Dean for Business
- Chief Financial Officer + Assistant Dean for Business
- Katherine.Howlandobrien@asu.edu
- 480-965-6847
- Downtown Phoenix

Accountant Sr.
- Accountant Sr.
- Melanie.Knerr@asu.edu
- 480-965-9774
- Downtown Phoenix

null|Assistant Director, Business Operations
- null
- Assistant Director, Business Operations
- mmaesta5@asu.edu
- 602-543-1688
- Downtown Phoenix

Research Advancement Spec|Research Advancement Manager
- Research Advancement Spec
- Research Advancement Manager
- Melinda.Marino@asu.edu
- 480-965-8454
- Downtown Phoenix
Melinda serves as the Research Advancement Manager at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law.

Accountant Sr.
- Accountant Sr.
- Leslie.Ryan@thunderbird.asu.edu
- 480-965-4323
- Downtown Phoenix

Department HR Specialist
- Department HR Specialist
- itorresa@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Accounting Specialist
- Accounting Specialist
- Marlene.Virelas-Lombera@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix
Originally from the SF Bay Area, Marlene moved to the valley in 2021 and started working at the college of law in early 2022. She is earning her BA in History and looking forward to continuing her education after that.
Career Services

- Program Coordinator, Legal Externships
- Guadalupe-Garcia@asu.edu
- 602-543-5134
- Downtown Phoenix

- Assistant Dean, Student Career Success & Employer Relations
- Trevi.Grant@asu.edu
- 480-727-6653
- Downtown Phoenix

- Director, Career Services, Washington, D.C.
- Robin.Grieff@asu.edu
- 602-543-5206
- Downtown Phoenix

- Assistant Director, MLS Career Services
- Sarah.Hipolito@asu.edu
- 602-496-0107
- Downtown Phoenix
Center for Constitutional Design (CCD)

Dan Cracchiolo Chair in Constitutional Law, Professor of Law|Dan Cracchiolo Chair in Constitutional Law, Professor of Law|Professor
- Dan Cracchiolo Chair in Constitutional Law, Professor of Law
- Dan Cracchiolo Chair in Constitutional Law, Professor of Law
- Professor
- 480-965-1305
- Downtown Phoenix
James Weinstein's areas of academic interest are Constitutional Law, especially Free Speech, as well as Jurisprudence and Legal History.
Center for Law, Science and Innovation (LSI)

- Program Coordinator, The Center for Law, Science and Innovation
- Trever.Formosa@asu.edu
- 602-543-6778
- Downtown Phoenix

- Director, The Center for Law, Science and Innovation
- ehhitchc@asu.edu
- 480-727-0359
- Downtown Phoenix

Program Coordinator, Immigration Clinic
- Program Coordinator, Immigration Clinic
- Claudia.D.Castro@asu.edu
- 480-727-9274
- Downtown Phoenix

Program Coordinator, Faculty and Clinic Support
- Program Coordinator, Faculty and Clinic Support
- karen.furgeson@asu.edu
- 480-965-6523
- Downtown Phoenix

Law School Fellow|SW IV, Networking Assistant
- Law School Fellow
- SW IV, Networking Assistant
- Teddy.Gonzalez@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix
Teddy Gonzalez, a Washington, D.C. licensed attorney, is a Fellow for the Clinical Programs at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. She is also currently pursuing a Master of Laws (LLM).

Law School Fellow
- Law School Fellow
- Andi.Humphreys@asu.edu
- 480-965-5329
- Downtown Phoenix
Copy Center

- Printing/Reproduction Service Specialist
- marco.a.escobedo@asu.edu
- 480-965-1755
- Downtown Phoenix
Dean's Office

Vice Dean, Charles J. Merriam Distinguished Professor of Law|null|Vice Dean and Charles J. Merriam Distinguished Professor of Law
- Vice Dean, Charles J. Merriam Distinguished Professor of Law
- null
- Vice Dean and Charles J. Merriam Distinguished Professor of Law
- Angela.M.Banks@asu.edu
- 480-965-9024
- Downtown Phoenix
Angela M. Banks serves as the Vice Dean and Charles J. Merriam Distinguished Professor of Law. She is an immigration and citizenship expert whose research focuses on membership and belonging in democratic societies.

Executive Assistant to Dean
- Executive Assistant to Dean
- Jenna.Del.Balso@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Distinguished Endowed Professorship in Legal Method
- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Distinguished Endowed Professorship in Legal Method
- Tamara.Herrera@asu.edu
- 480-727-7194
- Downtown Phoenix
Tamara Herrera teaches various legal writing courses, Indian Legal Research, and Property. Her scholarly interests include legislative drafting, tribal law, and legal writing pedagogy.

Assistant Dean for Law Students
- Assistant Dean for Law Students
- Andrew.Jaynes@asu.edu
- 480-965-8238
- Downtown Phoenix

Willard H. Pedrick Dean, Regents and Foundation Professor of Law|Willard H. Pedrick Dean, Regents and Foundation Professor of Law
- Willard H. Pedrick Dean, Regents and Foundation Professor of Law
- Willard H. Pedrick Dean, Regents and Foundation Professor of Law
- Stacy.Leeds@asu.edu
- 602-496-0306
- Downtown Phoenix
Stacy Leeds is the Willard H. Pedrick Dean and Regents Professor of Law. She is an Indigenous law and policy scholar and an experienced leader in law, higher education, economic development and conflict resolution.

Assistant Dean, Community Engagement + Executive Director of Indian Legal Program
- Assistant Dean, Community Engagement + Executive Director of Indian Legal Program
- Kathlene.Rosier@asu.edu
- 480-965-6204
- Downtown Phoenix

Asst Director of Administration and Special Projects
- Asst Director of Administration and Special Projects
- Jennifer.L.Sanchez@asu.edu
- 480-965-6619
- Downtown Phoenix

Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development, Professor of Law|Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development, Professor of Law
- Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development, Professor of Law
- Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development, Professor of Law
- Erin.Scharff@asu.edu
- 480-965-3964
- Downtown Phoenix
Scharff's scholarship explores current issues in local government law and state tax law. She is the co-author of leading federal income tax and local government law casebooks.

Chief Strategy Officer
- Chief Strategy Officer
- Karen.Sung@asu.edu
- 602-496-7824
- Downtown Phoenix

Executive Coordinator
- Executive Coordinator
- btafoya1@asu.edu
- 602-496-7066
- Downtown Phoenix

Sr. Assistant Dean, Administration and Graduate Programs, Chief Operating Officer Administration and Graduate Programs, Chief Operating Officer
- Sr. Assistant Dean, Administration and Graduate Programs, Chief Operating Officer Administration and Graduate Programs, Chief Operating Officer
- Thomas.T.Williams@asu.edu
- 480-965-1302
- Downtown Phoenix

Sr. Associate Director, Development|Instructional Professional
- Sr. Associate Director, Development
- Instructional Professional
- Samantha.C.Williams@asu.edu
- 480-965-5290
- Downtown Phoenix
Faculty Support

- Program Coordinator, Faculty and Clinic Support
- karen.furgeson@asu.edu
- 480-965-6523
- Downtown Phoenix
Graduate Programs

Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs and New Education Initiatives|Instructional Professional
- Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs and New Education Initiatives
- Instructional Professional
- Robert.Dormady@asu.edu
- 480-965-0621
- Downtown Phoenix

Academic Success Advisor, Graduate Program
- Academic Success Advisor, Graduate Program
- Gabriel.Frongillo@asu.edu
- 602-543-5734
- Downtown Phoenix

Director, Graduate Programs Online Content
- Director, Graduate Programs Online Content
- algass@asu.edu
- 602-496-2577
- Downtown Phoenix

Program Coordinator, Graduate Programs
- Program Coordinator, Graduate Programs
- Sonia.M.Lopez@asu.edu
- 56340
- Downtown Phoenix

Director, Graduate Program Academic Services
- Director, Graduate Program Academic Services
- Annie.Stone@asu.edu
- 480-727-5392
- Downtown Phoenix
Annie Stone is the Director of Graduate Program Academic Services at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, overseeing academic services for legal master’s programs - Master of Legal Studies, Master of HR & Employment Law, and Master of Laws.

Program Coordinator Sr., Graduate Programs
- Program Coordinator Sr., Graduate Programs
- gjvelez@asu.edu
- 480-965-4893
- Downtown Phoenix
Indian Legal Program (ILP)

Director, Indian Gaming and Tribal Self-Governance
- Director, Indian Gaming and Tribal Self-Governance
- Theresa.Beaulieu@asu.edu
- 480-965-7715
- Downtown Phoenix

Professor of Practice; Director, Indian Gaming and Self-Governance|Professor of Practice; Executive Director, Indian Gaming and Self-Governance
- Professor of Practice; Director, Indian Gaming and Self-Governance
- Professor of Practice; Executive Director, Indian Gaming and Self-Governance
- dbeetso@asu.edu
- 602-496-1888
- Downtown Phoenix

Professor of Practice; Director, Indian Gaming and Self-Governance
- Professor of Practice; Director, Indian Gaming and Self-Governance
- Ann.M.Downes@asu.edu
- 602-496-7498
- Downtown Phoenix

Specialist Sr.
- Specialist Sr.
- Honore.Callingham@asu.edu
- 602-496-1249
- Downtown Phoenix

Specialist, Law School Fellow
- Specialist, Law School Fellow
- jordanmgarcia@asu.edu
- 602-543-8280
- Downtown Phoenix

Assistant Dean, Community Engagement + Executive Director of Indian Legal Program
- Assistant Dean, Community Engagement + Executive Director of Indian Legal Program
- Kathlene.Rosier@asu.edu
- 480-965-6204
- Downtown Phoenix

Communications Specialist, Indian Legal Program
- Communications Specialist, Indian Legal Program
- Danielle.Williams.1@asu.edu
- 480-965-2922
- Downtown Phoenix
Indigenous Innovation Initiative

- Professor of Law
- t.reed@asu.edu
- 480-965-5917
- Downtown Phoenix
Professor Reed teaches courses in Federal Indian Law, Property and Intellectual Property. His research aims to assist Indigenous Peoples in protecting and promoting their creativity and innovation.

Tech Support Analyst
- Tech Support Analyst
- ccaswell@asu.edu
- 480-965-2048
- Downtown Phoenix

Tech Support Analyst Principal|Deskside Systems Support Analyst (IT)
- Tech Support Analyst Principal
- Deskside Systems Support Analyst (IT)
- Orion.Eckstrom@asu.edu
- 480-965-8003
- Downtown Phoenix

Sr. Director Information Technology Services
- Sr. Director Information Technology Services
- Edward.Garcia@asu.edu
- 480-965-4743
- Downtown Phoenix

Tech Support Analyst Sr.
- Tech Support Analyst Sr.
- Aaron.Gilless@asu.edu
- 602-496-1068
- Downtown Phoenix

AV Technologies Manager
- AV Technologies Manager
- Nathaniel.Holland@asu.edu
- 480-884-2513
- Downtown Phoenix

Systems Programmer Principal
- Systems Programmer Principal
- Faraz.Khan@asu.edu
- 480-965-7446
- Downtown Phoenix
Law Library

Library Assistant Sr|Library Assistant Sr.
- Library Assistant Sr
- Library Assistant Sr.
- MariBigler@asu.edu
- 480-965-7392
- Downtown Phoenix

Assistant Dean + Librarian, Law Library|Asst Dir Law Library|Assistant Dean, Law Library
- Assistant Dean + Librarian, Law Library
- Asst Dir Law Library
- Assistant Dean, Law Library
- Beth.DiFelice@asu.edu
- 480-965-4871
- Downtown Phoenix

Law Librarian
- Law Librarian
- Jacob.Fishman.1@asu.edu
- 480-965-2521
- Downtown Phoenix

Library Supervisor|Library Supervisor
- Library Supervisor
- Library Supervisor
- Carrie.Henteleff@asu.edu
- 480-965-7114
- Downtown Phoenix

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Distinguished Endowed Professorship in Legal Method
- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Distinguished Endowed Professorship in Legal Method
- Tamara.Herrera@asu.edu
- 480-727-7194
- Downtown Phoenix
Tamara Herrera teaches various legal writing courses, Indian Legal Research, and Property. Her scholarly interests include legislative drafting, tribal law, and legal writing pedagogy.

Dean’s Fellow for Innovation (2023-2024), Clinical Professor of Law|Dean’s Fellow for Innovation (2023-2024), Clinical Professor of Law
- Dean’s Fellow for Innovation (2023-2024), Clinical Professor of Law
- Dean’s Fellow for Innovation (2023-2024), Clinical Professor of Law
- Kimberly.Holst@asu.edu
- 480-965-1144
- Downtown Phoenix
Kimberly Holst's scholarship examines the intersection of law and media—particularly how media impacts public understanding of law. She presents on effective law school pedagogy before domestic and international audiences.

Library Acquisitions Coordinator
- Library Acquisitions Coordinator
- Katia.Ibarra@asu.edu
- 480-965-4877
- Downtown Phoenix

Assistant Director, Reference Librarian|Asst. Director, Reference Librarian
- Assistant Director, Reference Librarian
- Asst. Director, Reference Librarian
- Anne.Jerome@asu.edu
- 480-965-7014
- Downtown Phoenix

Asst Librarian (FSC)|Associate Director + Associate Librarian, Law Library
- Asst Librarian (FSC)
- Associate Director + Associate Librarian, Law Library
- Tara.Mospan@asu.edu
- 480-965-4868
- Downtown Phoenix

Library Specialist|Bibliographic and Technical Services Librarian
- Library Specialist
- Bibliographic and Technical Services Librarian
- Karen.Scoville@asu.edu
- 480-965-4869
- Downtown Phoenix

Director, Law Librarian
- Director, Law Librarian
- Emily.M.Stokes@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix
Lodestar Dispute Resolution Center

Director, Lodestar Mediation Training
- Director, Lodestar Mediation Training
- Kristyn.Carmichael@asu.edu
- 480-727-4103
- Downtown Phoenix

Director, Lodestar Dispute Resolution Mediation
- Director, Lodestar Dispute Resolution Mediation
- Jay.Jenkins@asu.edu
- 480-965-3365
- Downtown Phoenix

Program Coordinator, Lodestar Dispute Resolution Mediation
- Program Coordinator, Lodestar Dispute Resolution Mediation
- Justine.Munro@asu.edu
- 480-727-7168
- Downtown Phoenix
Marketing and Communications

Web Application Developer
- Web Application Developer
- alexander.barouch@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Director of Marketing
- Director of Marketing
- mbartley@asu.edu
- 602-543-7233
- Downtown Phoenix

Social Media Specialist
- Social Media Specialist
- Andrea.M.Estrada@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Interaction Designer
- Interaction Designer
- ava.hansen@asu.edu
- 602-496-3297
- Downtown Phoenix

Communications Specialist
- Communications Specialist
- crystal.jimenez2@asu.edu
- 602-496-8671
- Downtown Phoenix

Asst Director Communications
- Asst Director Communications
- Kourtney.Kelley@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Email Marketing Coordinator
- Email Marketing Coordinator
- Elise.Llamas@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Executive Director, Marketing and Strategic Communications|null
- Executive Director, Marketing and Strategic Communications
- null
- allisonotu@asu.edu
- 480-282-0713
- Downtown Phoenix
Online Programs

Instructional Professional|Director Digital Initiatives/Instructional Design
- Instructional Professional
- Director Digital Initiatives/Instructional Design
- Andrea.Bevier@asu.edu
- 480-727-8727
- Downtown Phoenix

Instructional Designer|Instructional Designer
- Instructional Designer
- Instructional Designer
- Lynn.French@asu.edu
- 602-496-1561
- Downtown Phoenix

Instructional Specialist Coordinator
- Instructional Specialist Coordinator
- John.Katsicoyannis@asu.edu
- 480-965-6513
- Downtown Phoenix
Sports Law and Business (SLB)

Assistant Dean, Executive Director of Allan Bud Selig Sports Law and Business Program|Instructional Professional
- Assistant Dean, Executive Director of Allan Bud Selig Sports Law and Business Program
- Instructional Professional
- aaronhernandez@asu.edu
- 602-496-2326
- Downtown Phoenix

Program Coordinator, Sports Law and Business Program
- Program Coordinator, Sports Law and Business Program
- griffin.limongelli@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix

Assistant Director, Allan “Bud” Selig Sports Law and Business Program
- Assistant Director, Allan “Bud” Selig Sports Law and Business Program
- ewsingle@asu.edu
- Downtown Phoenix
Special Projects

Director of Special Projects
- Director of Special Projects
- Christopher.Baier@asu.edu
- 480-965-6925
- Downtown Phoenix

Director, ABA Compliance
- Director, ABA Compliance
- leslie.mamaghani@asu.edu
- 480-965-9042
- Downtown Phoenix
Student Services

null|Director of JD Student Advising
- null
- Director of JD Student Advising
- Josh.Abbott@asu.edu
- 480-965-2465
- Downtown Phoenix

Program Coordinator Sr., Student Services
- Program Coordinator Sr., Student Services
- Bari.Barnes@asu.edu
- 480-727-5667
- Downtown Phoenix

Assistant Director, Student Services
- Assistant Director, Student Services
- colleen.castellarin@asu.edu
- 480-727-0009
- Downtown Phoenix

Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs
- Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs
- Karina.EstradaCruz@asu.edu
- 602-496-7871
- Downtown Phoenix

Director of Student Engagement
- Director of Student Engagement
- Zarinah.Nadir@asu.edu
- 602-543-4850
- Downtown Phoenix
Zarinah Nadir is the Director of Admissions for JD recruitment. She is an attorney, educator, best-selling author, and a proud ASU double devil.

Sr. Director, Student Services
- Sr. Director, Student Services
- Frankie.Shinn-Eckberg@asu.edu
- 602-496-7848
- Downtown Phoenix
Trial Advocacy Program

Director, Trial Advocacy Program|Director, Trial Advocacy Program
- Director, Trial Advocacy Program
- Director, Trial Advocacy Program
- Michele.Feeney@asu.edu
- 602-549-0378
- Downtown Phoenix
Michele M. Feeney has served as Director of Trial Advocacy at the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law since September 2019.
Washington, D.C. Program

- Director, Career Services, Washington, D.C.
- Robin.Grieff@asu.edu
- 602-543-5206
- Downtown Phoenix