Student Organizations
J. Reuben Clark Law Society
The J. Reuben Clark Law Society is an organization for LDS and like-minded law students which aims to affirm the strength brought to the study of law by a law student's personal religious conviction. We strive through public service and diligent studies to promote fairness and virtue founded upon the rule of law.
Values upon which the society is founded are (1) public service, (2) loyalty to the rule of law, and (3) appreciation for the religious dimension in society and in a law student's personal life. To accomplish its mission, the JRCLS will (1) encourage members to regard law studies as preparation for service of courts, clients, and society, (2) promote and protect the rule of law, and (3) provide its members with opportunities for continuing dialogue on legal topics of significance with members of the Student and local Professional Chapters of the Law Society. Membership is multi-faith and open to any students who share in the goals, ideals, and values of the Law Society.
Student leadership
President: Cameron Washburn
Vice President: Joel Yoder
Secretary: Brigit Cooper
Treasurer: Natalie Schultz
Women in Law Representative: Summer Maughan
Faculty Advisor: Troy Rule