The Post-Conviction Clinic investigates claims of wrongful conviction and manifest injustice from prisoners convicted of crimes in Arizona. Post-conviction work is a specialized practice area that delves into both fundamental and nuanced aspects of criminal law and criminal procedure – one that is becoming increasingly vital as over 400 prisoners nationwide have been exonerated either in full or in part by DNA testing, and over 1,500 people have been exonerated by other means. Arizona is home to more than 40,000 prisoners and more than 5,000 on community supervision. Arizona incarcerates more people per capita than any other state in the west and ranks sixth in the country. The clinic works in conjunction with the Arizona Justice Project.

Post-Conviction Clinic
What students do:
- Students participate in the post-conviction investigation and litigation of criminal cases.
- Students produce written work focused on reviewing and analyzing the history of the conviction and the potential reasons for any wrongful conviction, including the role DNA or other newly discovered evidence could play in exonerating the inmate.
- Students interview witnesses and clients, locate biological evidence, and evaluate whether a given case should be submitted for DNA testing.
- Students draft requests for post-conviction DNA testing, petitions for post-conviction relief, and petitions for clemency and parole.
- Students may represent clients in court or before the Arizona Board of Executive Clemency.

Course information
The Post-Conviction Clinic is a one semester course.
- Credits: six credits (four client component pass/fail and two graded seminar)
- Pre- or Co-Requisite(s): Evidence, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law and Professional Responsibility
Time commitment
Students are expected to spend a minimum of 270 hours in the Clinic during the one semester.
- Fall or Spring Semester – 20 hours per week
Included in those hours is a mandatory seminar class of a minimum of five hours per week.
Links to other groups
Arizona Justice Project
Innocence Project
The National Registry of Exonerations
Post-Conviction Clinic news
ASU Law clinic to help clean community members' records of marijuana charges
Prop 207 frees Phoenix man after serving 28 years of life sentence
AZcentral, Dec. 2, 2022
Student application deadlines
Students may apply via Atlas during the application period listed below.
**IMPORTANT!* - Externships and Clinics – Students who have applied for an externship or clinic and been accepted may decline upon offer without consequence. However, once a student has accepted an externship or clinic, any student who drops the externship or clinic without prior approval by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will be subject to the 12-month ban.

Peter Talkington, Juris Doctor candidate
“As a member of the ASU Post-Conviction Clinic, I recently had the opportunity to argue in front of the Board of Executive Clemency. Our client was a victim of domestic violence who had been defending herself against a violent partner but was sentenced to nearly a decade in prison. We were able to convince the Board to commute her sentence, and she will be released at the end of the month! Being a part of, and being present at, such a life-changing moment was truly an incredible and unique experience, and I’ll never forget the tears of joy our client shed when she learned she was being released.”
Andrew Fox, 2017 Juris Doctor
"The Post-Conviction Clinic is a perfect storm. Students aid clients in navigating the treacherous post-conviction process. Students acquire practical skills in writing briefs, conducting client and witness interviews, and giving oral presentations. Students get to work with clinical-professors whose passion for their cases is contagious and fun to be around. The confluence of these aspects of the clinic make for an incredible experience."
Our People
Randal McDonald
Supervising Legal Clinic Attorney
Joey Dormady
Clinical Attorney
The Post Conviction Clinic does not accept outside referrals or direct inquiries for services. If you believe you have a valid post conviction claim, please contact the Arizona Justice Project at 602-496-0286 or for referral to our clinic or another clinic that can assist you.