Bringing the law to life
The Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law D.C. Program offers a unique opportunity for second- and third-year law students who seek legal experience in Washington D.C. Students who come to D.C. as part of the D.C. Program are able to take advantage of the incredible number of opportunities within the D.C.-metro area. Whether you are interested in federal government work, legislative, NGO, non-profit organizations, or firms, D.C. offers a huge variety of legal experiences that will fit any law student’s interests and prepare you for legal work anywhere in the world.
For more information on ASU Law’s externship program and requirements, visit the externship page.
Externing in Washington, D.C.
Students can work with Robin Grieff, Director of Career Services Washington, D.C., to find and secure externships in D.C. To learn about how to get an externship in D.C., students should contact Robin Grieff.