Five smiling students on the Beus Center for Law and Society walkway

Why ASU Law

#36 best law school in the U.S.

– U.S. News & World Report, 2025

The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law is dedicated to creating the next generation of legal professionals. Honoring the legacy of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and charged with upholding her namesake, our graduates are well-prepared to shape all aspects of the legal field from public service to private practice, to fields that work in and around the law.

Virtual tour

Explore the state-of-the-art Beus Center for Law and Society, the home for ASU Law in the heart of downtown Phoenix.

Entering class profile

This fall, ASU Law welcomed one of its most accomplished and diverse classes, with over 630 new JD and master’s students joining its more than 1,800 total student body, reflecting the school’s commitment to inclusivity, innovation and excellence.

Read ASU Law's Newsroom story

For our students of color category, we use the primary race/ethnicity a student lists on their law school application.

Bar passage

Bar passage rate

Graph showing the First-time Bar Passage rate: gold bar showing national average of 79.18% and the ASU Law bar passage rate at 86.55%

*Data from the American Bar Association on first-time bar exam pass rate in 2023.

Three students smiling while sitting in lecture hall during orientation watching the front of the classroom

Students crossing the street outside of the Beus Center for Law and Society

How much will it cost?


Like all other state universities, Arizona tuition fees are lower for residents than non-residents. Residency classification is determined for all students in accordance with guidelines provided by the Arizona Board of Regents, which reflect current Arizona revised statutes. We are proud to say that the overall cost of attending ASU Law is among the lowest of all American Bar Association accredited law schools. Click below to learn more about tuition and fees at ASU Law.


Explore tuition and fees


JD employment rate within 10 months of graduation

Five year employment summary starting 2018-2023; showing the 2023 national employment average at 85.6% and the ASU employment average as 88.8%.

*Graduates employed in full-time, long-term Bar Passage Required or J.D. Advantage jobs approximately 10 months after graduation

Alumni in all 50 states

27.1% of students placed outside of Arizona


Three JD graduate students dressed in regalia during the during the Spring 2024 Convocation ceremony.

Areas of Expertise at ASU Law

Driven by institutional expertise, ASU Law’s Areas of Expertise are specialized pathways allowing students from each of our degree programs to explore specialty areas led by world-class faculty, combining academic rigor with practical experience. Each area highlights a unique blend of coursework, hands-on experiential opportunities and career prospects, guiding students to tailor their legal education toward their passions and professional goals.

Notable alumni

ASU Law in the community

Discover ASU Law

Students walking and laughing together in the Law Library at ASU Law.

Phoenix and Arizona

See the sights of downtown Phoenix in this quick tour through the city's center

Nightlife in downtown Phoenix runs the gamut from sophisticated to historical to hipster. This video introduces you to some of the nightlife options available in Phoenix’s urban heart.

There are places in Arizona that defy the senses, daring you to believe the impossible. See the wonder of Arizona.