ASU Law seeks to enroll a dynamic group of individuals who will provide an engaging learning environment, and whose goals after graduation align with serving in public interest, public service, or practicing private or public law in rural and underserved communities.
The admissions committee makes decisions after considering all the information provided by the applicant. Among the factors influencing the admission decision are LSAT or JD-Next performance, undergraduate grade point average, quality and grading patterns of undergraduate institutions, previous graduate education, demonstrated commitment to public service, work and leadership experience, extracurricular or community activities, history of overcoming economic or other disadvantages, uniqueness of experience and background, maturity, ability to communicate, foreign language proficiency, honors and awards, service in the armed forces and publications.
Applicants apply through LSAC and must submit all required application materials. Applications follow ASU Law’s standard admissions committee review process and procedures. There are separate application forms for JD online and on-campus applicants to ASU Law.