Three students talking to each other while sitting at a long white desk in an ASU Law classroom, surrounded by other students.


Customize your legal journey at ASU Law

For those who want to pursue a law career or wish to expand their legal knowledge, it is important to choose a reputable law school. ASU Law is consistently ranked among the Nation’s Top 15 Public Law Schools by U.S. News & World Report. With more than 250 unique courses to choose from, by a law school that is committed to individuals' success, students get a comprehensive and personalized education aligned to their interest and career goals.

ASU Law is accredited by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738.

ASU's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law offers a variety of graduate degrees. Each program has its own particular set of application guidelines. Please follow the application process for your specific degree program.

Degrees for practicing law

A student smiles while studying in the ASU Law Library


The Juris Doctor incorporates academic and practical learning to prepare students to practice law or work in a related field. Students at ASU Law can earn a JD through a variety of enrollment options, making it easier than ever to customize your legal journey.

Apply to the JD
A student listens attentively in class


The Master of Laws is for people who want to expand their legal knowledge or specialize in a legal field. The LLM program is flexible, with fall and spring starts, full-time and part-time options and classes that can be taken on campus or online.

Apply to the LLM

Degrees for expanding your skills and advancing your career

Student applaud while attending orientation


The Master of Legal Studies offers students the chance to enhance their careers – or start a new one. Choose from more than 20 unique emphasis areas to learn legal skills that can be applied in careers across a variety of industries.

Apply to the MLS
A student attends the Admitted Students Program at the Beus Center for Law and Society


The Master of Human Resources and Employment Law caters to professionals in the HR, recruitment and operations fields. Offered online or on campus, this degree program helps non-lawyers better understand the legal and regulatory structure that governs the work they do.

Apply to the MHREL
Students chat while studying in the ASU Law library


The Master of Sports Law and Business blends the study of sports, law and business from a nationally-ranked law school and is led by world-class faculty. Phoenix creates plenty of opportunities for students to learn and work with some of the best in a highly competitive field.

Apply to the MSLB
Molly Podlesny

Molly Podlesny

JD alum, 2020

“The scholarships I have received made it possible for me to move across the country to attend the school where I felt most at home, the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University.”

Originally from Washington, D.C., Molly was a student ambassador for the ASU Law Admissions Office, president of the Student Bar Association and an executive editor on ASU Law’s Corporate and Business Law Journal. Molly completed a federal judicial clerkship upon graduation, and is now an Associate Attorney at Sanders & Parks.

The exterior of the Beus Center for Law and Society

How much will it cost?

Like all other state universities, Arizona tuition fees are lower for residents than non-residents. Residency classification is determined for all students in accordance to guidelines provided by the Arizona Board of Regents, which reflect current Arizona revised statutes. The overall cost of attending ASU Law is among the lowest of all American Bar Association accredited law schools. Click below to learn more about tuition and fees at ASU Law.

Explore tuition and fees