Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law - Beus Center for Law and Society Snell & Wilmer Plaza

Employer information

Atlas Job Announcements:

Whether your need is for full-time associates or part-time law clerks, you will have access to a talented and diverse pool of candidates of current law students and recent alumni. We will place your job announcement. To list an available law clerk or attorney position, or alternate positions of interest to law students and graduates free of charge, click here. All ASU Law students and graduates, as well as graduates from other law schools with reciprocity, will have access to your posting. Please note that by posting a job, you agree to comply with the nondiscrimination policy and abide by our employer's policies and procedures.

Please email with questions.


Our Short-Term Assistance Research Program (SHARP). SHARP is designed to provide employers a pool of qualified ASU Law students and recent graduates to draw from for short-term projects. Participants receive compensation, gain experience and training, as well as a chance to enhance their research abilities. They also get an opportunity to interact with the legal community and create potential networking and job opportunities. To list a SHARP opportunity, click here.

On Campus Interviews

Each semester, employers have an opportunity to interview students on-campus at the ASU Law. The CES collects resumes of interested applicants and forwards them to your office for review. Interview schedules are then developed according to your specifications. On-Campus Interviews provide employers with an efficient and cost-effective way to interview as many qualified students as possible during a concentrated time period. Resume Collections are available to employers who are unable to interview on campus but would like to obtain resumes from ASU students. To request an OCI, click here.

Please email with questions.

Fall On Campus Interviews take place August through early November.

Spring On Campus Interviews take place February to late March.


Employers using these services or the facilities of the ASU Law, or participating in events hosted at ASU, agree to abide by all applicable federal, state, board and university laws or policies on nondiscrimination.

NALP Principles

Employers recruiting at ASU Law agree to abide by the employment standards and guidelines noted in the National Association for Legal Career Professionals Principles of Professional Conduct (NALP).

Employer Policy and Procedure

Professional conduct

The ASU Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law Career Services is a member of the National Association of Legal Employers (NALP) and abides by the guidelines of professional standards and ethics as outlined by the Association. We encourage our professional associates and students to follow these same guidelines.

Third-party recruiters may post positions for employment candidates, but must inform our recruiting professionals of the actual employer and position before the job will be posted.

The professional staff reserves the right to decline postings that require a financial investment by our students, or postings for positions that may involve unreasonable risks where known, or postings for positions that conflict with the NALP principles of professional conduct.

Additionally, we do not maintain a database or postings for Lawyer Finder Services; please contact the Arizona Bar Association for assistance with identifying legal representation.

Principles of equal opportunity in hiring

ASU Law Career Center expects that prospective employers will provide students and graduates with equal opportunity to obtain employment, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender (including identity and expression), age, disability, or sexual orientation. ASU Law does not make its services, interviewing facilities, or job posting and recruiting system available to employers who discriminate or segregate in their hiring on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender (including identity and expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law. A limited exception to this policy exists for military recruiters, but only insofar as their employment and hiring practices are permitted under existing federal law.