Students can earn a certificate in a focus in area of by taking one of the core courses (Law, Science and Technology, Scientific Evidence, Law, Litigation and Science or Health Technologies, Innovation and Law) and the required number of qualifying courses (see below) within the chosen focus area, and the proper number of elective courses to obtain the minimum seven (7) courses
Students may pursue multiple focus areas, and courses may count toward multiple focus areas if applicable.
The recommended coursework for each focus area includes, but may not be limited to, the courses listed below. Students should direct any questions regarding coursework to the LSI Center Director.
Please note
- The list of Elective Courses is subject to revision by the Center’s Faculty Director or Executive Director with the advice of the Center Faculty Fellows. Web listings may sometimes lag behind new approvals – for the most up to date course information or questions, contact the Center Director(s).
- Graduate seminars (500 level or higher) in other departments and/or independent study with Center Faculty Fellows in ASU Law, as approved by the Center Faculty Director or Executive Director and the Academic Dean, may serve as elective courses.
- Clinics listed above may qualify for two courses when taken for six credits. Credit for the course component of the clinic is automatic; additional credit for the clinical component is assumed, but will be evaluated by the Center Director, based on the clinical work performed.
- Service as an Editor for Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science, and Technology qualifies as substantive course work. Two semesters of service count as one course (and thus four semesters count as two courses).