ASU Law alums paving the way for democracy during the election season
It was a busy election season this year, particularly for some alums of the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University.
Two ASU Law graduates have been at the forefront of various election initiatives, applying their legal expertise to strengthen and support the democratic process. Their work reflects a deep commitment to advancing democracy in the real world.
Austin Yost (JD ‘17), an attorney at Coppersmith Brockelman PLC, represented the committee that sponsored Prop. 139, the statewide ballot initiative that protected the right to abortion in Arizona’s Constitution. Yost helped draft the initiative, advised on ballot access issues and litigated cases for Arizona for Abortion Access, the political action committee sponsoring the initiative.
When he isn’t focused on the ballot front, Yost advises candidates, political action committees and nonprofit organizations on matters such as ballot access, campaign finance and election procedures. He also represents clients in pre- and post-election litigation in state and federal courts at both the trial and appellate levels.
Similarly, Brennan Bowen (JD ‘20), an attorney at Holtzman Vogel, was involved in every aspect of election law this year. Before the election, he worked on ballot access, campaign finance, ballot measures and election administration. His work included defending or challenging initiatives to ensure they met constitutional requirements and challenging Arizona’s Elections Procedures Manual to ensure state and federal law compliance.
On Election Day, Bowen was busy troubleshooting and monitoring the process, sometimes involving litigation and facilitating communication between candidates, political parties and the governmental entities tabulating the vote. After Election Day, Bowen continues to work on election contests, recounts and any potential litigation that may arise.
All of this work, Bowen says, is exactly why he came to ASU Law.
“I came to ASU to get involved in this work, so I focused my law school experience on what I wanted to do,” Bowen said. “By the time I was a couple of years out of law school, I had gained experience in all three branches of Arizona’s government and had made countless connections in the industry where I wanted to work. In short, I networked my butt off and got hands-on experience in my field. That opened the door to working in political and election law.”
The work of these ASU Law alumni strengthens democracy by demonstrating the vital role of legal professionals in safeguarding democratic values and ensuring fair elections. Like the late Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, these alumni have used their legal expertise to protect fundamental rights and uphold the democratic process, emphasizing the importance of participation, transparency and accountability in a thriving democracy
Written by Crystal Jimenez
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